Subscription conditions

What is the subscription price?

The price is unknown at the time of your reservation.

You invest an amount in the currency of the country where the offer is open to you, and the number of shares you acquire will be determined according to the subscription price. 

The subscription price and the exchange rate used to convert your investment into euros will be set and announced to you on November 15, 2022. 

After this date, you will be able to cancel your entire reservation for each investment plan during the dedicated cancellation period.

The subscription price is equal to the reference price less a 20% discount.

The reference price is equal to the mathematical average of the average ENGIE share price, weighted by volume traded on the Euronext Paris stock exchange (Volume-Weighted Average Price), for the 20 trading sessions from October 18, 2022 to November 14, 2022.

Who can take part?

  • All employees who, as of November 18, 2022, have an employment contract with a company that is covered by the Link 2022 scheme and is part of the ENGIE International Group Savings Plan (PEGI), and who have at least three months’ service, whether consecutive or not, between January 1, 2021 and November 18, 2022.

What payment options are available?

To find out what payment options are available for the Link 2022 transaction, please consult your local Link Manager.

How much can you invest?

You are free to choose the amount you wish to invest in Link, within the following limits:

  • Minimum: 
    Your personal contribution must be at least equivalent to the subscription price of a share in Link Multiple or Link Classic.
  • Maximum: 
    The total amount you pay into Link 2022 must not exceed 25% of your gross annual compensation for 2022 (including bonuses, etc.).

For investments in the Link Multiple plan, specific rules apply when calculating the maximum cap of one quarter of the employee’s compensation. Use the simulator to calculate your maximum investment .

Note: the reserved amount will be in euros.

The definitive exchange rate will be set following your reservation and will be announced to you on November 15, 2022, at the same time as the subscription price. To help you with your reservation, a provisional exchange rate will be provided as a guide so you can estimate the amount of your investment in your local currency.

What happens in the event of overall overinvestment in the plans?

If the total number of shares requested exceeds the number of shares made available under the Link investment plans, the volume of participation in the plans will be reduced as described in the brochure. This reduction may change the allocation of shares as initially requested. 

How can you take part?

Take part in just a few clicks:

  • 1. Connect to
  • 2. Click on “Participate in Link.”
  • 3. Log in using the username sent to you by email or post.
  • 4. The first time you connect, you will need to generate a password.
    • Click on “Activate my account.”
    • Click on the link in the message sent to your work email address.
    • Choose your password
  • 5. Log in using your username and the password you selected.
  • 6. Choose your investment and remember to confirm your reservation!