Our strategy

ENGIE is a global energy player focused on renewables and decentralised low carbon energy infrastructure designed to help its clients decarbonise their activities. Thanks to our industrial approach and guided by our core purpose, we are in a unique position to build our low carbon energy system of the future and meet the challenges of climate change. 

A new ENGIE refocused on an affordable, reliable and sustainable energy transition.

We focus on our 4 core business activities:

  • Renewables,
  • Energy Solutions,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Thermal production & Energy supply.

We are reorganising our activities around four Global Business Units to gain in clarity and performance.
We are scaling back our geographical footprint to less than 30 countries by 2030 (compared to 70 in 2018).

We are stepping up our development of renewable energies and Energy Solutions


Objective of 80 GW
of installed capacity by 2030
compared to ~34 GW at the end of 2021

Project portfolio comprising 66 GW of capacity spread across onshore wind, offshore wind and solar power
Energy Solutions
Objective of + 8 GW
decentralised infrastructure
by 2025

Portfolio of projects totalling €14 billion

ENGIE, a pioneer in energy systems of the future

ENGIE’s objectives for 2030
4 Twh of biométhane in France
4GW of green hydrogen generation capacity

Portfolio of projects totalling 8 GW of green H2 generation capacity

Commitment to a “Net Zero Carbon” goal by 2045 within the 3 scopes

ENGIE has announced that it will be phasing out coal-powered energy in 2027 and as early as 2025 in Europe using the following phase-out options in the following order of priority: closure, conversion and divestiture. The Group is also supporting the decarbonisation of its clients’ activities and has set itself a target of helping them to reduce their emissions by 45 Mt of CO2 equivalent by 2030.

Progress in the field of ESG

Gases emissions
GHG1 Emissions
from energy production,
In line with the SBT2 objectives
Share of renewables
in the power generation capacity mix in line with the SBT2 objectives
Gender diversity
Share of women
in the management of the Group

1 Greenhouse gases, Scopes 1&3 (MtCO2eq)
2 Science Based Targets

Employee shareholding at ENGIE

Employee shareholding allows a company to involve employees as stakeholders in its share capital. Employees thus become shareholders of the company. For the employees, it is an investment opportunity and a chance to participate in corporate life through another means. For the company, employee shareholding is a way of sharing more and establishing a stable base of shareholders.  

In the wake of Link 2010, Link 2014 and Link 2018, this year the Group is offering you a new employee shareholding offer. It is also embarking on an ambitious, regular employee shareholding scheme - a Link every two years - in order to bolster your position within the Group’s share capital.

The relevance of the road map presented last year is heightened in the current context. Thanks to your mobilisation, the Group’s strategic plan has been transformed into tangible actions and significant progress has been made. Link is an opportunity to increase your involvement in the Group’s strategy whilst making you one of the drivers of transformation.