View the Link 2022 videos

Message from Jean-Sébastien Blanc


EVP in charge of Human Ressources

Hello everyone!

Why an employee shareholders’ plan?

We are living in extraordinary moment

The energy market is in deep transformation. At ENGIE, we have the ambition to be the champions of the zero-carbon energy. What is a great ambition.

With Link 2022, you have the opportunity to become shareholder. Shareholder is first to support that ambition, to support that strategy and also to benefit from the growth and the value created by ENGIE over the next years.

So, it is the reason why, we propose to you to subscribe to the Link 2022.

Investing in ENGIE, why?

First of all, what does happen on the market today is showing evidence that our strategy is the right one.

Second, our integrated business model with four GBUs is giving us an unique positioning on the energy market and delivering the support and the services our customer are looking for.

Third, our results, the first achievement over the past 18 months, the growth in the renewable, is showing that we are delivering, and we are in the right track.

And last, but not least, we are 100 000 employees engaged, skilled, experts and working every day to make things happen.

What is LINK 2022?

Link 2022 is a unique opportunity, for you, to become shareholder of ENGIE at preferential rights.

There will be two formulas, Link Multiple and Link Classic.

And the subscription period is from the 22nd of September until the 12th of October.

Every 2 years, we will offer to you such an opportunity to become shareholder and to benefit from the growth of ENGIE.

In conclusion?

ENGIE is the place to be for the energy transition.

So, let’s invest together


Video: understanding Link 2022

Link is your exclusive employee shareholding scheme Thanks to Link, you can invest in ENGIE shares on preferential and tax-friendly terms. And establish a savings fund for yourselves!

Two options are offered to you: Link Multiple and Link Classic.

Below are the benefits of each option.

With Link Multiple:

  • You are guaranteed to recover your personal contribution
  • You will receive a minimum return of 2% per year.
  • This is just the minimum! If the progression of the ENGIE share price allows for it, you will benefit from the multiple effect and therefore from a performance exceeding 2% per year

Protect your capital and benefit from a guaranteed minimum performance with Link Multiple! In return, you waive the discount on the share price, potential dividends attached to your shares and a part of the potential increase in the share price on exit.

To find out about Link Multiple, click on the video link.

With Link Classic:

  • You will benefit from a discount of 20% on the share price
  • ENGIE will give you free shares up to a maximum value of €450
  • The potential dividends attached to your shares will be reinvested and will increase the value of your investment

Your investment follows the ENGIE share price, both upwards and downwards. It is not guaranteed and therefore there is a risk of capital loss. However, you should be aware that the discount, the matching contribution and any potential dividends act as a “shock absorber” in the event of a decrease!

Please note that if you invest in Link in a country outside the eurozone, your investment currency will be converted into euros to acquire the ENGIE shares. At the end of the lock-in period, the amount you will receive in the investment currency may be affected favourably or unfavourably by the fluctuation in exchange rates.

Your investment in Link Multiple and Link Classic is locked in for five years, except in the event of early release.

You can invest in one or both options!

How can you subscribe?

You can reserve on-line from 22 September to 12 October 2022. All you need to do is type in the username that was sent to you by email.

Namely: The share price, which is referred to as the reference price, will be set on 15 November 2022 after the subscription period.

You may cancel your subscription between 16 and 18 November 2022.

Invest in Link, ENGIE’s employee shareholding offer, online at !

View the video to find out more about Link Multiple

With Link Multiple, at the end of the lock-in period or in the case of early release, you are guaranteed to receive a minimum return of 2% per year. This return may be higher if the ENGIE share price is favourable.

Below are more details on how this return is calculated 

Depending on the progression of the share price during the lock-in period, you will receive a return based on the higher amount between:

  • a guaranteed minimum return of 2% per year on your initial investment, and
  • a return equal to x times the protected average increase of the ENGIE share x the number of shares subscribed.

What is the protected average increase?

The calculation consists of comparing the average of the ENGIE share price over five years with the reference price, which will be published on 15 November 2022.

This average is calculated on the basis of 60 monthly share price readings performed on a set date. 

Thus, each month, two scenarios are possible:

  • The share price reading is higher than or equal to the reference price: it is this price that is recorded.  
  • The share price reading is lower than the reference price: in which case, instead of the real price, the reference price is used. This is why it is called the protected average.

The difference between the average of these readings and the reference price is known as the “protected average increase”.

At maturity or in the event of early release, you will receive your personal contribution, plus the higher amount of: 

  • A guaranteed return of 2 % per year, or
  • A return equal to x times the protected average increase x the number of FCPE shares subscribed to in Link Multiple

Please note that if you invest in Link in a country outside the eurozone, your investment currency will be converted into euros to acquire the ENGIE shares. Please note that the guarantee offered by Link Multiple does not cover foreign exchange risk. At the end of the lock-in period, the amount you will receive in the investment currency may be affected favourably or unfavourably by the fluctuation in exchange rates.

Want to invest?

You have from 22 September to 12 October 2022 inclusive to make your reservation online using the username and password that were sent to you by email.

Invest in Link, ENGIE’s employee shareholding offer, online at !