Simulate your investment

1. I calculate my investment ceiling
Estimate of your gross annual remuneration in 2022
I make my reservation between September 22, 2022 and October 12, 2022 (included)
Your possible maximum investment in Link 2022
2. I estimate the share price in Link
Your estimate of the ENGIE share price (in Euros)
Discounted value (in Euros) for the Link Multiple and Link Classic formulas
Exchange rate (1 Euro is equal to)
3. I decide on my investment in Link
My investment in Link Multiple through personal contribution
My total investment in Link Multiple
My investment in Link Classic through personal contribution
My total investment in Link Classic
Free shares granted and delivered at maturity
4. I check compliance with the ceiling
Total investment in Link 2022
Investment taken into account for compliance with the ceiling
Including investment in Link Multiple (*)
Including investment in Link Classic (**)
(*) 10 x Investment through personal contribution
(**) Investment through personal contribution
My investment
Link Multiple 2022
Link Classic 2022
I am contributing a total of
5. I simulate my investment at maturity
Non discounted share price (in Euros)
Discounted share price (in Euros) for the Link Multiple and Link Classic formulas
Multiple for the Link Multiple formula
Estimate of the exchange rate at maturity
I will receive in 5 years Example Make your estimate
Estimate of the average over the 5-year lock-in period
Minimum guaranteed return (2% per annum)
Multiple of 16 times the average share price increase
I will receive in Link Multiple 2022 (***)
Link Multiple 2022 capital gain
Estimate of the share price at disposal
25% decrease Stable 25% increase
I will receive in Link Classic 2022 (excluding dividends)
Link Classic 2022 capital gain / capital lost
Total Link 2022 capital gain / capital lost
Gross annual return
(***) excluding bonus dividends

The information provided in this simulator is for demonstration only. The results obtained are merely indicative and may not be entirely accurate given that some inputs depend on the employee’s personal situation and the tax laws applicable on the date on which the investment is made and during the five-year period. Therefore, this simulator does not constitute a solicitation to subscribe, advice, commitment or an indication on the evaluation of the employee’s investments.