Terms of subscription

What is the subscription price?

The price is unknown at the time of your reservation.

You are investing an amount in euros and the number of units that you will hold in the Link International FCPE will be determined according to the subscription price, which will be set and communicated to you on 15 November 2022. After this date, you will have the right to cancel your entire reservation per option during the cancellation period provided for this purpose.

The subscription price is equal to the reference price to which a discount of 20% is applied.

With regard to determining potential returns from the Link Multiple option, you waive the benefit of the discount.

The reference price is equal to the arithmetical average of the average ENGIE share prices, weighted by volume traded on the Euronext Paris stock exchange (Volume-Weighted Average Price), during the 20 trading sessions from 18 October to 14 November 2022 inclusive.

Who can take part?

  • All employees holding an employment contract as at 18 November 2022 with a company included in the scope of the Link 2022 offer and which is part of the ENGIE PEGI, who have at least three months’ service, whether consecutive or not, between 1 January 2021 and 18 November 2022.


What are the payment methods?

To find out the payment methods for the Link 2022 transaction, please consult your local Link manager.

What amount can you invest?

You are free to choose the amount you wish to invest in Link, within the following limits:

  • At least: 
    Your personal contribution is at least €10 in Link Multiple or Link Classic.
  • At most: 
    The total of your payments into Link 2022 should not exceed 25% of your gross annual remuneration for 2022 (including allowances, bonuses, etc.).

Specific rules for calculating the cap of one quarter of the remuneration are applicable in the event of participation in the Link Multiple option. Use the simulator to calculate your investment ceiling.

What happens in the event of an over-investment?

If the total number of shares requested was higher than the number of shares offered in the scope of Link, participation requests would be reduced according to procedures stipulated in the FCPE Link International Regulations. This reduction is likely to change the allocation initially requested. 

How to take part?

Take part in just a few clicks:

  • 1. Visit link.engie.com/2022
  • 2. Click on “Subscribe to Link”
  • 3. Type in the username you were sent by email or letter
  • 4. When you log in for the first time, generate your password
    • Click on “I activate my account”
    • Click on the link in the email that will be sent to your professional email box
    • Choose your password
  • 5. Log in with your username and chosen password
  • 6. Make your choices and do not forget to confirm them!